Month: March 2023


The video resource I have chosen for our project works as a supplement to the information provided within our learning resource. Since our resource covers the basics of cooking and nutrition, this video works well as an additional opportunity to utilise the knowledge students have picked up through our resource. Seeing as the purpose of learning the fundamentals is to help students develop the skills to get started cooking, the video provides a list of recipes which students can begin to build these skills while cooking. If it were to be incorporated as an assignment, students could choose a recipe from the video and cook it from start to finish, sending a couple photos and a short reflection on what went wrong and what was successful to our submission box. This would allow for us to see how students are using their skills, as well as giving us an opportunity to give support to students that might have questions or struggles. The video is possibly a little too broad, and if I were to have the video tailored, it might be better to cut the number of recipes to just one, providing more in depth description and steps for the students. In relation to inclusive design, this video does not fit all learning styles, so if we were to use it as an exercise it would be important that we create a learning resource subsection around it so as to provide alternate methods of learning through the video. For example, having students watch the video in whole, then reading through our learning resource, then finally returning to a section of the video where their recipe is. This video provides great information as an additional resource, but it would require some careful thought and consideration as to how to utilise it best in our resource.

The video:

Inclusive Design

One of the biggest challenges of creating a learning resource is making it accessible for every student, and with our educational guide on cooking, it is perhaps the greatest challenge. Since we are teaching a skill which is hands-on rather than conceptual, the asynchronous approach to teaching we are taking, and the mediums we are using provide a bit of a roadblock. Because of this, we have decided to try and create a diverse set of mediums within the greater context of our learning resource so as to provide a wide variety of materials that will hopefully capture all learning profiles. The use of text, video, narration, and step by step guides will hopefully not only make it universally accessible for all types of learners, but will also help keep things interesting. Since our course is online and asynchronous, we have borrowed ideas from its structure such as the implementation of blocks of learning, and links to external resources in an attempt to replicate the university style of asynchronous learning which has taken place since COVID. The challenge of the diversity of learning styles is much harder to accommodate to in a self paced environment, however with the implementation of multiple mediums and approaches to teaching, it should make it much less of a daunting task.

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